gir cow milk

Gir Cow Milk – For Great Health

Gir Cow Milk is a powerhouse of nutrients that offer multiple health benefits. Rich in A2 protein, it supports digestion, boosts immunity, and enhances overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to improve your health or simply enjoy a wholesome beverage, Gir Cow Milk is a natural choice for great health.

How To Maintain The Quality Of Your Milk In The Rainy Season?

With the onset of monsoons, hygiene, milk quality, and growing microbes are the major concerns of every dairy consumer – and rightly so! No one wants to put themselves or more importantly, their families at risk, especially in a time like the one we’re living in! With the ongoing pandemic, we strive to make every […]

Benefits of consuming Panchamrit

Panchamrut is a sweet holy concoction used in almost every Hindu prayer as an offering to the deity. Then after it gets distributed amongst the worshippers. Traditionally, ingredients of Panchamrut would have only five sacred ingredients. Which were sugar, honey, milk, curd, and ghee. However today, it can also contain saffron, basil, mint, coconut, banana, […]

Why Prefer Desi Cow Milk Over Regular Cow Milk?

We all are well aware of the benefits of consuming milk every day. Even in our childhood our mother would insist on us to have a glass, full of milk. However, it becomes imperative to consume cow’s milk to obtain utmost advantages. Afterall, healthy lifestyle leads to healthy body. And, if we tell you, even […]

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